Monday, May 2, 2016

StartStopContinue Prt4

3 Moves
The Dump- I enjoyed the way the presentation was like one for a school board meeting or a PTA meeting. I got us all involved and made us feel like part of the audience, an actual part of the presentation. I especially liked Barilla’s move of multiple roles as audience members, with multiple character gave the illusion of a larger audience and with several different types with many concerns but all they could answer. Giving them the appearance of great knowledge on their topic.

Tar-Off- The use of a slogan they developed and repeated over and over again was a very good too for them. How it Kept the name in all of our heads really made us laugh and hear what they were saying to us. The way the group presented like a commercial was a great move.

AI- The use of the video of theirs was phenomenal, they made everyone one laugh and want to hear more. They brought reality to the product they were trying to sell, and the work they put into the video outshone a lot of others, including our own. The video though was insane and a great contribution to their presentation.

Preparation- Unfortunately though the was a significant amount of effort put into the presentation, it was nowhere near the level of some of the other groups and their presentations. Our Prezi looked great but it went by far too quickly, while seeming like forever the time used was for less significant than the allotted time.

Practice- With practice more is better. But it seemed we needed far more than we had as a group, the struggle for us seemed to be finding time to get together. With the limited time we had between the classes and the actual presentation it was difficult for 4 full time students to meet and work on a project like this. Though some groups made it work very well and I wish we could have able to pull off what others did.

Eye Contact- When I finished the the presentation I was unsure of where I was supposed to be looking. Was I supposed to stay in character and just talk to my partners? Take breaks and break the fourth wall? Or simply pander to the audience and ignore my group? While I know there is no right answer because of the freeness in the project itself but it was bugging me greatly.

Communication- The project was decently made by us as a group, but what really mattered was the presentation. While we planned for the speaking part, several bits seemed to fall out of place and out of order. Along with the significant amount of speech that was mine, in the preparation it did not seem to be that one sided until I was in the presentation speaking.

Work on Stutter- Like I have stated on every speech so far the one big I have always had trouble with is my stutter. I thought I would have an easier time on the last speech as it was a group effort, and not all on me to perform. But with that I last presentation I thought I could relax more but with that I lost focus on trying to keep my stutter in place and ended up freezing trying not to get stuck on a word.

Confidence- Confidence is easy to fake and years of doing so has made me very good at it. Not only does my confidence make it easier to speak but also help my point be more convincing to others. With the way I speak I am able to be less nervous and help my group-mates be less nervous themselves too.

Monday, April 18, 2016


Brew Bike Outline


Company: Santa Barbara Brewing Company

Intro: Initial want, Present issue, The Idea, How it'll work and/or why,

Idea: Party/Brew Bike With Tours Of Downtown Santa Barbara

Reason: New way to Explore the Area in a fun way. Try Local food and Enjoy company in a Healthy and Safe way.

The Deal: $9,000-$11,000 For Bike, Partnership Provide Food and Beverage for the Tour same price or discount. SBBC gets their name in the business in and help diversify the company to attract more business. Get a portion of the Ticket price ($25-30).

Route: DownState, Up the Pier, Along the Beach, To the Court House, Back downState, Return The SBBC

Hear Offer

Be willing to Negotiate

Settle or Walk

Monday, April 4, 2016


Preparation- I struggled during my speech due to a technical difficulty. It caught me off guard that I was missing several slides to my presentation. When this happened my confidence blew for a few moments before I could take control again and try to finish my speech there with more missing.

Practice- I practiced my speech many times days prior the presentation I always could put greater effort into rehearsing. The stuttering and pauses in my speech might have been lessened if i spent more time, thus being greater in clarity and more convincing in general.

Focus- I lost focus when I discovered my digital fault. I fault my heart stop for a moment and forgot to breath for a while as well. I need to develop a greater incidence response system, where instead of an adrenaline rush fueled panic I remain calm and follow through with my initial plan.

Eye Contact- When I was presenting I made sure to look at the audience cause I have noticed some people forgotten that. But when I did I focused on a select few and only seemed to look at others in sporadic bursts. It was either small quick glances at a few people or long (probably awkward) eye contact. But at least I knew people were listening.

Better Hand Gestures- With use of my props I intended to keep my hands busy but once I Utilized my wallet and pocket full of change (hehe couldn’t resist) I did not have a plan for my now free hands and felt like I could have better utilized the use of hand gestures.

Bouncing- When giving my presentation I noticed in my body language how I unconsciously would bounce back and forth. I don’t sit still well and when I get nervous I tend to move around especially when I'm under the scrutiny of others. If I focused on relaxing my over all presentability would appear to be better

Work on Stutter- I have a stutter and while it did not stand out as much in this presentation I had to consciously hold it back and fight it in my head. It took noticeable energy to keep it back and and I feel it might have taken away from the presentation. I was lucky that my presentation was cut short because of the technical problems.

Volume- I pride myself on my clear speaking voice as it is part of most of my conversations, and with the my voice I can convey everything I intend to, to those listening. Along with my clarity I can easily project my voice while maintaining my clarity. A very great tool in public speaking.

Confidence- Confidence is easy to fake and years of doing so has maybe me very good at it. Not only does my confidence make it easier to speak but also help my point be more convincing to others. Continuing to stay confident will be a great help for future presentations as it's one of my greater strengths.

Props- I felt a very integral part of my presentation was my use of props, the money and my wallet. It gave a visual connection to my presentation that I feel a lot of people enjoyed as they were able to be drawn into my presentation.

3 Moves
Perez- I enjoyed how he didn’t rely on his slides too much as he only had some slides with just visuals and was able to simply speak.

Ryan- His presentation caught me actually taking that side and I feel that is just a testament to his persuasive skills.

McCool- I really enjoyed her presentation, just the way she speaks catches my attention and makes it easier to listen.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Radical Draft

Subject: Money is Obsolete, Back to Barter

Consensus: Whether verbalized or not a vast majority support the monetary system and the print money by using it everyday.

Reasons For:
Universal- with the use of barter the need for currency exchange wouldn't exist and direct trade can occur between anyone as long as you possess an item of worth or a service of value

Forgeries- It is incredibly difficult to counterfeit a Chicken, if not impossible. Thus allowing for a trust among the people and their trade.

Necessity- over production wont exist as only what is need will be made.

Equality- Honest work for honest pay, nobody will be born into a fortune and be able to coast from then on.

Complexities- loans and what not will be far simpler, you wont need then really as direct trades are the norm.

Over Rich- Prevents an economic power concentration (i.e. 10% of people with 90% of wealth) allowing everyone a chance at success.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Practice- I spend a couple hours practicing and reviewing my topic. That's on top of the couple days I spent on making the presentation itself. While I feel I did well there is always room for improvement, and to improve I could use more practice simple as that.

Focus- It might seem silly, but in the speech I kept losing my train of thought. I would get distracted by the little things I saw and would not be able to get back. And when I would come back there would be a noticeable pause in my voice. Watching the video the pauses were shorter than they seemed in my head.

Eye Contact- When I was presenting I made sure to look at the audience cause I have noticed some people forget that. But when I did I got to focused on that and only seemed to look at a few in sporadic bursts. It was either small quick glances at a few people or long (probably awkward) eye contact.

Better Hand Gestures- When I spoke I had my hands in front of me the whole time. Doing nothing or hold my one prop, the notebook (aka “Folder”), and when it wasn’t I didn't pay attention much to what I was doing with them, I had a lot of free time where I could have utilized with effective hand gestures.

Prioritize Multi Media- I tried something I thought would be unique and would have me stand out. It did, just not the way I would have liked. I Played my clip in the beginning of the presentation just to catch the audience off guard and get them invested in what I was to say. But. it seemed to just confuse the audience and leave with an awkward air afterwards. I was difficult to find a short enough clip for my topic and the one I did choose might not have suited my needs the best possibly. Next time I use multi media I will try and utilize it best I can and with appropriate timing as well.

Work on Stutter- I have a stutter and while it did not stand out as much in this presentation I had to consciously hold it back and fight it in my head. It took noticeable energy to keep it back and and I feel it might have taken away from the presentation. With more work I would hope to have it gone but I don't see it in the near future it is just something to work on.

Bouncing- When giving my presentation I noticed in my body language how I unconsciously would bounce back and forth, a nervous tick. I tend to move around when I'm under the scrutiny of others or just anxious and it takes away from the speech distracting the audience in an unneeded manner. If I focused on relaxing and being more confident could be a big improvement on my over all presentability if that helped me be less bouncy.

Filler Words- In dead space I fall back onto filler words when I’m trying to move onto my next point. These points get awkward and take away from the message I am trying to get across.   With more practice I can lessen the amount of “um”s and “like”s to a minimum.  

Slow- I took way too much time with my presentation. Stretching the the time limit to almost past the maximum allowed. In retrospect the media clip I selected might have been too long and the time used during the presentation could have been better used to accentuate my points.

Confidence- Confidence is easy to fake and years of doing so has maybe me very good at it. Not only does my confidence make it easier to speak but also help my point be more convincing to others. Which is a very useful too in a persuasive elevator pitch. Continuing to stay confident will be a great help for future presentations as it's one of my greater strengths.

Character and Moves- Getting into character was a great move on my part, and it was visually apparent by the reaction from the audience. My move of slamming down the folder caught a lot of people off guard and pulled them in, got them invested. If I continue to use moves like these all my future speeches they will all have a great element to help them be great themselves.

Volume and Tone Fluctuation- A key move in my speech was a the fluctuation of my voice. From the normal and confident tone I tend to keep through normal speech to my loud and aggressive tone when I was expressing the the character move,

2 Moves
Body Language- In several speeches body language was very noticeable, whether good or bad. Taka had a very good use of this, body language was on point and the hand gestures were not distracting and helped seem less awkward.

Contextualized Media- Another great move was the way media was used in La Quay’s presentation, and how he would pause it and explain various parts of it and how it had to do with his topic.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Police Interigation.

Interigation Clip:
Youtube Link-

-Nice guy (try to help)
-Make an Offer
-Question everything
-Give them a way out
-Introduction (DETECTIVE)
-Let them talk
-Lie (Bluf)
-False Info
-Laying Pictures out
-Pointing with aggression

-"Good Cop Bad Cop"
-Glass of Water (Prints/DNA)
-Slam the Folder (get a reaction)

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Practice- Though I practiced my speech several times before the presentation I always could put more time into rehearsing. It did show in several parts where with more practice I could have been far more clearer or more persuasive. The stutterign and pauses in my speech could have been filled as well as the part that was just skipped at one point.

More Facts and/or Stats- I mentioned in my speech several facts that could have been easily reinforced with more data or stats. Or the simply improved with the addition of more facts to the presentation could have backed up my argument and been more convincing. Like in the situation where I mentioned the amount of teens voting or filing taxes; that senerio could have been improved the the addition of numbers and percentages.

Eye Contact- While the speech was rather short, on the good side of two minutes, I felt I could have put more effort into looking at my audience. Eye contact when addressing the audience, or my subject for the pitch, makes me appear more confident in my idea and more respectful to the person im addressing.

Better Hand Gestures- The use of hand gestures can greatly affect the tone of my speech and the effective use of them can have a better cause; while I did use hand gesture in my presentation I do not believe I used them to the best I could and repeated the same on several points making me feel they were redundant.

More Personal- My topic was personal to me and I feel if I let that influence my presentation my message may come across better and more convincing to my audience. Maybe addressing how this could have effected my life and the lives of the others. How the solution I was pitching could change the lives of so many other and not just them. Making it more personal to me makes it easier for the listeners relate themselves.

Work on Stutter- Personally I have a sutter, it comes out under pressure or when I speak to fast. I physically freeze up and can not get past certain syllables. Simply slowing down and taking a breath calms me down and allows me to continue. It has been a problem fo ryears but with more practice may help me in the future limit how it will effect my life in the future.

Bouncing- When giving my presentation I noticed in my body language how I unconsciously would bounce back and forth. I don’t sit still well and when I get nervous I tend to move around when im under the scutiny of others. If i focused on relaxing and being more confident could be a big improvement on my over all presentability if that helped me be less bouncy.

“Um” "Like” - Filler words like this are distracting to my presentation and and take me away from the point I was trying to get across. More rehearsal of the speech could better help me limit the use of the filler words such as “Like” and “Um” and replace them with actual benificial language to the presentation.

Fast- When I get nervous speed up, and speeding up and talking fast greatly shortened my speech length and even made me forget certain parts of my speech. It also makes me appear for more nervous which is not something I need my audience thinking of me when I am trying to convince them of my accountablility. More practice is the only solution I can think of to help with the problem.

Confidence- One of my strongest points is my ability to come across as confident. Confidence is easy to fake and years of doing so has maybe me very good at it. Not only does my confidence make it easier to speak but also help my point be more convincing to others. Which is a very useful too in a persuasive elevator pitch. Continuing to stay confident will be a great help for future presentations. 

Not Relying on my note card- I felt a huge plus on my presentation was the fact that I did not use or rely on a note card. With the practice I did I was able to remember all the key points of my presentation, although I did skip over a few in my nervous hurry. I plan to continue not relying or even using note cards in future speeches to add the realism of my topic.

Volume- Volume is needed to convincingly project you message to your audience, especially when you are talking to a large crowd. As well as coming off confident, confidence was strong suit of mine but a large part of that was that I was able to project my message across the room. Being loud but also clear in my enunciation of the words makes me far more credible and convincing to my audience.

Counter Argument- Another strong point in my presentation was my counter argument; it introduced an alternate view point on my topic and allowed me to introduce a convincing counter that backed up my initial claim and give me more of a chance to impress my subject, or subjects, with how much thought I have put into the topic or debate.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Elevator Pitch Draft #1

Subject: Poor Education and Life Preparation Because of Schools

Audience: David Patterson, President of the Placer County Board of Education

Location: Elevator located in the Chamber of Commerce of Rocklin CA

-(Intro) Hello Mr. Patterson, my name is Conner Thomson. I know your day is very busy and I don't want to take up too much of your time but I feel something needs to be brought to your attention.
-(Hook) Do you trust the future generation? Would it surprise you if i told you how many teens out of high school do not vote? Do their taxes?
-(Problem) New young adults are ill prepared to be functional members of society that the older generation expects of them
-(Idea) A new mandatory general education class for high school students to teach them necessary life skills.
-(Counter-Rebuttal) Some might say it would cost to much, we don't have the man power or teachers, we couldn't afford it. My response is we can't afford not to, we should no longer send out the fresh adults with little life experience into a new world to them and expect them to play the same game as those with years of experience.
-(Closing) Spend the money, you're here to help these kids become the adults we need. they're worth it.

About Me

Hi, I'm Conner Thomson.
I'm a City College student majoring in nursing. I am from Northern Cali. Auburn Area and love it there. I plan to move back asap. I love the snow, working outdoors and doing stupid shit with my friends.