Monday, May 2, 2016

StartStopContinue Prt4

3 Moves
The Dump- I enjoyed the way the presentation was like one for a school board meeting or a PTA meeting. I got us all involved and made us feel like part of the audience, an actual part of the presentation. I especially liked Barilla’s move of multiple roles as audience members, with multiple character gave the illusion of a larger audience and with several different types with many concerns but all they could answer. Giving them the appearance of great knowledge on their topic.

Tar-Off- The use of a slogan they developed and repeated over and over again was a very good too for them. How it Kept the name in all of our heads really made us laugh and hear what they were saying to us. The way the group presented like a commercial was a great move.

AI- The use of the video of theirs was phenomenal, they made everyone one laugh and want to hear more. They brought reality to the product they were trying to sell, and the work they put into the video outshone a lot of others, including our own. The video though was insane and a great contribution to their presentation.

Preparation- Unfortunately though the was a significant amount of effort put into the presentation, it was nowhere near the level of some of the other groups and their presentations. Our Prezi looked great but it went by far too quickly, while seeming like forever the time used was for less significant than the allotted time.

Practice- With practice more is better. But it seemed we needed far more than we had as a group, the struggle for us seemed to be finding time to get together. With the limited time we had between the classes and the actual presentation it was difficult for 4 full time students to meet and work on a project like this. Though some groups made it work very well and I wish we could have able to pull off what others did.

Eye Contact- When I finished the the presentation I was unsure of where I was supposed to be looking. Was I supposed to stay in character and just talk to my partners? Take breaks and break the fourth wall? Or simply pander to the audience and ignore my group? While I know there is no right answer because of the freeness in the project itself but it was bugging me greatly.

Communication- The project was decently made by us as a group, but what really mattered was the presentation. While we planned for the speaking part, several bits seemed to fall out of place and out of order. Along with the significant amount of speech that was mine, in the preparation it did not seem to be that one sided until I was in the presentation speaking.

Work on Stutter- Like I have stated on every speech so far the one big I have always had trouble with is my stutter. I thought I would have an easier time on the last speech as it was a group effort, and not all on me to perform. But with that I last presentation I thought I could relax more but with that I lost focus on trying to keep my stutter in place and ended up freezing trying not to get stuck on a word.

Confidence- Confidence is easy to fake and years of doing so has made me very good at it. Not only does my confidence make it easier to speak but also help my point be more convincing to others. With the way I speak I am able to be less nervous and help my group-mates be less nervous themselves too.

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