Practice- I spend a couple hours practicing and reviewing my topic. That's on top of the couple days I spent on making the presentation itself. While I feel I did well there is always room for improvement, and to improve I could use more practice simple as that.
Focus- It might seem silly, but in the speech I kept losing my train of thought. I would get distracted by the little things I saw and would not be able to get back. And when I would come back there would be a noticeable pause in my voice. Watching the video the pauses were shorter than they seemed in my head.
Eye Contact- When I was presenting I made sure to look at the audience cause I have noticed some people forget that. But when I did I got to focused on that and only seemed to look at a few in sporadic bursts. It was either small quick glances at a few people or long (probably awkward) eye contact.
Better Hand Gestures- When I spoke I had my hands in front of me the whole time. Doing nothing or hold my one prop, the notebook (aka “Folder”), and when it wasn’t I didn't pay attention much to what I was doing with them, I had a lot of free time where I could have utilized with effective hand gestures.
Prioritize Multi Media- I tried something I thought would be unique and would have me stand out. It did, just not the way I would have liked. I Played my clip in the beginning of the presentation just to catch the audience off guard and get them invested in what I was to say. But. it seemed to just confuse the audience and leave with an awkward air afterwards. I was difficult to find a short enough clip for my topic and the one I did choose might not have suited my needs the best possibly. Next time I use multi media I will try and utilize it best I can and with appropriate timing as well.
Work on Stutter- I have a stutter and while it did not stand out as much in this presentation I had to consciously hold it back and fight it in my head. It took noticeable energy to keep it back and and I feel it might have taken away from the presentation. With more work I would hope to have it gone but I don't see it in the near future it is just something to work on.
Bouncing- When giving my presentation I noticed in my body language how I unconsciously would bounce back and forth, a nervous tick. I tend to move around when I'm under the scrutiny of others or just anxious and it takes away from the speech distracting the audience in an unneeded manner. If I focused on relaxing and being more confident could be a big improvement on my over all presentability if that helped me be less bouncy.
Filler Words- In dead space I fall back onto filler words when I’m trying to move onto my next point. These points get awkward and take away from the message I am trying to get across. With more practice I can lessen the amount of “um”s and “like”s to a minimum.
Slow- I took way too much time with my presentation. Stretching the the time limit to almost past the maximum allowed. In retrospect the media clip I selected might have been too long and the time used during the presentation could have been better used to accentuate my points.
Confidence- Confidence is easy to fake and years of doing so has maybe me very good at it. Not only does my confidence make it easier to speak but also help my point be more convincing to others. Which is a very useful too in a persuasive elevator pitch. Continuing to stay confident will be a great help for future presentations as it's one of my greater strengths.
Character and Moves- Getting into character was a great move on my part, and it was visually apparent by the reaction from the audience. My move of slamming down the folder caught a lot of people off guard and pulled them in, got them invested. If I continue to use moves like these all my future speeches they will all have a great element to help them be great themselves.
Volume and Tone Fluctuation- A key move in my speech was a the fluctuation of my voice. From the normal and confident tone I tend to keep through normal speech to my loud and aggressive tone when I was expressing the the character move,
2 Moves
Body Language- In several speeches body language was very noticeable, whether good or bad. Taka had a very good use of this, body language was on point and the hand gestures were not distracting and helped seem less awkward.
Contextualized Media- Another great move was the way media was used in La Quay’s presentation, and how he would pause it and explain various parts of it and how it had to do with his topic.
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