Monday, April 18, 2016


Brew Bike Outline


Company: Santa Barbara Brewing Company

Intro: Initial want, Present issue, The Idea, How it'll work and/or why,

Idea: Party/Brew Bike With Tours Of Downtown Santa Barbara

Reason: New way to Explore the Area in a fun way. Try Local food and Enjoy company in a Healthy and Safe way.

The Deal: $9,000-$11,000 For Bike, Partnership Provide Food and Beverage for the Tour same price or discount. SBBC gets their name in the business in and help diversify the company to attract more business. Get a portion of the Ticket price ($25-30).

Route: DownState, Up the Pier, Along the Beach, To the Court House, Back downState, Return The SBBC

Hear Offer

Be willing to Negotiate

Settle or Walk

Monday, April 4, 2016


Preparation- I struggled during my speech due to a technical difficulty. It caught me off guard that I was missing several slides to my presentation. When this happened my confidence blew for a few moments before I could take control again and try to finish my speech there with more missing.

Practice- I practiced my speech many times days prior the presentation I always could put greater effort into rehearsing. The stuttering and pauses in my speech might have been lessened if i spent more time, thus being greater in clarity and more convincing in general.

Focus- I lost focus when I discovered my digital fault. I fault my heart stop for a moment and forgot to breath for a while as well. I need to develop a greater incidence response system, where instead of an adrenaline rush fueled panic I remain calm and follow through with my initial plan.

Eye Contact- When I was presenting I made sure to look at the audience cause I have noticed some people forgotten that. But when I did I focused on a select few and only seemed to look at others in sporadic bursts. It was either small quick glances at a few people or long (probably awkward) eye contact. But at least I knew people were listening.

Better Hand Gestures- With use of my props I intended to keep my hands busy but once I Utilized my wallet and pocket full of change (hehe couldn’t resist) I did not have a plan for my now free hands and felt like I could have better utilized the use of hand gestures.

Bouncing- When giving my presentation I noticed in my body language how I unconsciously would bounce back and forth. I don’t sit still well and when I get nervous I tend to move around especially when I'm under the scrutiny of others. If I focused on relaxing my over all presentability would appear to be better

Work on Stutter- I have a stutter and while it did not stand out as much in this presentation I had to consciously hold it back and fight it in my head. It took noticeable energy to keep it back and and I feel it might have taken away from the presentation. I was lucky that my presentation was cut short because of the technical problems.

Volume- I pride myself on my clear speaking voice as it is part of most of my conversations, and with the my voice I can convey everything I intend to, to those listening. Along with my clarity I can easily project my voice while maintaining my clarity. A very great tool in public speaking.

Confidence- Confidence is easy to fake and years of doing so has maybe me very good at it. Not only does my confidence make it easier to speak but also help my point be more convincing to others. Continuing to stay confident will be a great help for future presentations as it's one of my greater strengths.

Props- I felt a very integral part of my presentation was my use of props, the money and my wallet. It gave a visual connection to my presentation that I feel a lot of people enjoyed as they were able to be drawn into my presentation.

3 Moves
Perez- I enjoyed how he didn’t rely on his slides too much as he only had some slides with just visuals and was able to simply speak.

Ryan- His presentation caught me actually taking that side and I feel that is just a testament to his persuasive skills.

McCool- I really enjoyed her presentation, just the way she speaks catches my attention and makes it easier to listen.