Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Elevator Pitch Draft #1

Subject: Poor Education and Life Preparation Because of Schools

Audience: David Patterson, President of the Placer County Board of Education

Location: Elevator located in the Chamber of Commerce of Rocklin CA

-(Intro) Hello Mr. Patterson, my name is Conner Thomson. I know your day is very busy and I don't want to take up too much of your time but I feel something needs to be brought to your attention.
-(Hook) Do you trust the future generation? Would it surprise you if i told you how many teens out of high school do not vote? Do their taxes?
-(Problem) New young adults are ill prepared to be functional members of society that the older generation expects of them
-(Idea) A new mandatory general education class for high school students to teach them necessary life skills.
-(Counter-Rebuttal) Some might say it would cost to much, we don't have the man power or teachers, we couldn't afford it. My response is we can't afford not to, we should no longer send out the fresh adults with little life experience into a new world to them and expect them to play the same game as those with years of experience.
-(Closing) Spend the money, you're here to help these kids become the adults we need. they're worth it.

About Me

Hi, I'm Conner Thomson.
I'm a City College student majoring in nursing. I am from Northern Cali. Auburn Area and love it there. I plan to move back asap. I love the snow, working outdoors and doing stupid shit with my friends.